Z SoccerChic9: I just...
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
finished my supper. It was nice cause at this time on a Tuesday night no one is in the caffeteria. So, I gather my homework, find a clean table, and study - and for the first time in all the time I have been here - Mohawk is quiet:) Despite Tuesday being my long day - I kinda enjoy the 3 hour break - and the fact that I allow myself to indulge in buying a coke, and then drinking it (highlight of my week:).

Though, this Tuesday night my quiet supper was interupted at one point by a very loud, high pitched girly voice talking on a cell phone. It was slightly annoying, considering the place was dead quiet and she had to walk in with her cell and giggle in some kind of animal sounding cackle. Interesting says I. Though I think the guy at the other table was about to have a heart attack. He did not look too impressed with her carrying-on.

I feel fat today - I think I need to go on a diet and do some running and such.

I am presently at one of my favourite computers in the entire Library. It is at the back and in a corner. So, I can see everyone walking by, yet no one can see my screen (somehow it bothers me when people stand behind me while I am on the computer, or walk behind me - not that I am hiding anything, I just feel vulnerable:) which is a good thing.
This template is called "Living the Dream", a modification of "The Light : The Sound". (c) 2005 Daniel Josph Xhan. Use and modify at your own discretion.